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Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening (AAA)


Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening is a way of detecting asymptomatic swelling (aneurysm) of the aorta.

If you’re a man and you’re registered with a GP, you’ll get a screening invitation in the post when you’re 64 or soon after your 65th birthday.

GPs are encouraged to invite men aged 65 or older to contact the AAA Screening Office and self refer into the programme.

They should be advised to call with their 10 digit NHS number.

The programme aims to reduce AAA related mortality among men aged 65 to 74.

A simple ultrasound test is performed to detect AAA. The scan itself is quick, painless and non-invasive and the results are provided straight away. A result letter is also sent to all patients’ GPs.

AAA Screening Programme, Coventry and Warwickshire

AAA Screening Programme, Coventry and Warwickshire
Hospital of St Cross, Brookfield House, Barby Road, Warwickshire CV22 5PX

Tel: 01788 663428
Email: AAAScreeningProgramme@UHCW.nhs.uk

Where an AAA has been detected BY the AAA Screening Programme (even if self-referred) they are placed on the AAA Screening Programme Surveillance Programme

AAA Screening Programme Flowchart (England)


Surveillance of previously identified AAAs

<5.5cm AAA : refer directly for follow up surveillance scans (not NHS E-referral / C&B) to:

Specialist Surgery Services Office, UHCW, Coventry CV2 2DX. Tel 024 7696 5569

≥5.5cm AAA : refer to a Vascular Surgeon for surgical consideration. Any patient with an iliac artery aneurysm should be referred to a Vascular Surgeon

Familial AAA screening

Children and siblings of patients with a known AAA can be referred for familial screening (10 yearly scans) from the age of 45.  Please refer, as per instructions above.

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