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Immunisation & Patient Group Directions (PGDs)


About PGDs

PGDs allow specified health care professionals to supply and/or administer a medicine directly to a patient with an identified clinical condition without the need for a prescription or an instruction from a prescriber.

The health care professional working within the PGD is responsible for assessing that the patient fits the criteria set out in the PGD

Patient Group Directions (PGDs) Updated PGDs are circulated via practice managers and once published they can also be accessed via our website link below, please ensure the PGDs identified for your area are used.

Prior to use by immunisers, section two of the PGDs (organisational authorisation) must have been completed, as without this, the PGD is not lawful or valid.

Examples include:

  • Seasonal and other types of vaccination.
  • For groups of patients who have not previously presented to e.g. minor injury units and other first contact services.
  • In well established services where assessment and treatment follows a clearly predictable pattern (e.g. NHS immunisation clinics and contraception and sexual health services).

As always previous versions should be archived and retained as per NHS records policy and the attached should be read, understood and signed by all users and counter-signed on behalf of the practice.

If you have any questions about the PGD content or this process please contact the Screening and Immunisation Team, NHS England and NHS Improvement – Midlands, responsible for your area.

NHS England and NHS Improvement Midlands PGD Page


NHS England and NHS Improvement Midlands PGD Full List click here


Note: DTaPIPV and TdIPV PGDs 

DTaPIPV  (valid from 1st December 2021)

TdIPV       (valid from 1st November 2021)


West (Shropshire, Staffordshire, Birmingham, Coventry, Dudley, Herefordshire, Sandwell, Solihull, Walsall, Warwickshire, Wolverhampton & Worcestershire) england.wmid-imms@nhs.net

Further Information

NICE guideline MPG2 (2017) Patient Group Directions

Useful Links


School Aged Immunisation Teams

Immunisation / Covid-19 Queries and Incidents:

For both services we ask that providers contact the service directly and do not pass the contact details to members of the public. These services are for health professionals only.

Contracting Queries: GP Contracting can be contacted via england.gp-contracting@nhs.net

Please inform the GP Contracting Team of any practice changes, such as mergers, closures of practices and changes with Practice Manager, contact details or email address.

Providing a generic practice email address to the GP Contracting Team will help to ensure practices receive communications in a timely manner.

Immunisation Queries: Immunisation Information for Health Care Services within the West Midlands

Vaccine Update: https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/vaccine-update

ImmForm: https://portal.immform.phe.gov.uk/Home.aspx

Vaccination of individuals with uncertain or incomplete immunisation status:

Vaccination of individuals with uncertain or incomplete immunisation status (publishing.service.gov.uk)

Complete Routine Immunisation Schedule: complete routine immunisation schedule

Migrant Health Guide Immunisation: migrant health guide immunisation section

UK and international immunisation schedules comparison tool: UK and international immunisation schedules comparison tool

This tool is intended to help staff in general practice to:

1. Ascertain what vaccines individuals moving to England from abroad have received.
2. Record those vaccines in their IT system.

This document lists the 21 countries which most people immigrating to the UK come from and gives the vaccinations schedule, the name of the diseases or vaccines in the local language and, where available, the vaccines used in the countries of origin. Please note that it should not be assumed that individuals have received all vaccines in their national schedule without a documented or reliable verbal history of immunisation.

Staff in general practice are strongly encouraged to code these vaccines using Read 2/CTV 3/SNOMED codes in order to ensure the patients can be identified as vaccinated for the purposes of call or recall and vaccine coverage calculations

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