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Reversal of Male and Female Sterilisation


Reversal of Male and Female Sterilisation (the reconstruction of the vas deferens in males and the reconstruction of the fallopian tubes in females) is considered to be a procedure of limited clinical value and is not routinely funded by the ICB

It is recommended that:

  • Before referral for female or male sterilisation it is made clear to the individual that the procedure is irreversible
  • The individual has been provided with information regarding all other contraceptive options, including Long Acting Reversible Contraceptives (LARCs) for the female partner
  • Information should include the advantages, disadvantages and relative failure rates of each contraceptive method
  • Before proceeding with female sterilisation by tubal ligation or male sterilisation by vasectomy, full counselling is given to the individual (and partner, if appropriate) so that they have a clear understanding that these interventions are provided by the NHS as irreversible and local NHS policy is not to fund reversal of these procedures
  • Individuals have been given information on the success rate for reversal and informed that reversal is not funded by the NHS
  • Individuals should be informed that where a reversal has been undertaken (i.e.in the private sector) that re-do sterilisations will not be funded by the NHS

Reversal of sterilisation may be considered to treat intractable chronic post-vasectomy testicular pain

In this circumstance prior approval from the Integrated Care Board will be required before any treatment proceeds in secondary care unless an alternative contract arrangement has been agreed with the ICB that does not necessitate the requirement of prior approval before treatment

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