GP CHD Patient Exercise Referral Pathway
This pathway is to be used if:-
- > 6/12 elapsed since acute cardiac event, or
- > 6/12 since discharge from Phase III, or
- CHD history but no recent acute event
Contraindications to referral for exercise:
- Unstable angina
- Systolic blood pressure ≥180mmHg & / or diastolic blood pressure ≥100mmHg
- BP drop > 20 mmHg demonstrated during ETT
- Resting tachycardia > 100bpm
- Uncontrolled atrial or ventricular arrhythmias
- Unstable or acute heart failure
- Unstable diabetes
- Febrile illness
GP Referral route for CHD patient rehabilitation classes
GP to complete referral form and pass to patient
Patient posts form to facility they wish to exercise at or to contact instructor / facility directly:
- Atrium Health Ltd, Centre for Exercise & Health, Watch Close, Coventry, CV1 3LN (Tel: 02476 234570)
- Rugby St. Cross Cardiac Rehabilitation Department, Barby Road, Rugby, CV22 5PX (Tel: Dave Montgomerie 07709654184)
- Centre AT7, 12 Bell Green Road, Coventry, CV6 7GP (Post to: Lisa Boden, 6 Northvale Close, Kenilworth, CV8 2EN )
- Queens Diamond Jubilee centre, Bruce Williams Way, Rugby, CV22 5LJ (Tel: Phil Hanrahan / Louise Black 01788435585)
- Thornfield’s Bowling club, Bruce Williams Way, Rugby, CV22 5LZ (Tel: Kevin Mortimer 07977097292
- Instructor(s) will contact patient directly to arrange start date, cost, what to bring etc.
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