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Anti-Coagulation Clinic


Atrial fibrillation is the commonest cause for GP referral to anticoagulation services.

Aspirin is no longer routinely recommended for stroke prevention in people with atrial fibrillation because it is not effective.

Please consider initiation of DOACs (see separate page) or warfarin

If you wish a patient to commence warfarin then consider referral to the nurse led anticoagulation service via NHS E-referral.

Housebound Patients

Housebound patients who require warfarin will need to have the INR bloods performed by domiciliary phlebotomists.

The process is then the same as for other patients managed via UHCW Anticoagulation Service, i.e. the sample and yellow book are sent to the laboratory and then to the Anticoagulation Clinic for dosing.

Significantly deranged INRs (>=4.6 or <1.5) are phoned to the patient by the Anticoagulation Service for urgent action. All other dosing is entered into the yellow book and sent via post to the patients in the usual way.

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