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Speciality: Haematology

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Anaemia (Children)


Anaemia is a problem in which the body does not have enough healthy red blood cells.

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Anti-Coagulation Clinic


Atrial fibrillation is the commonest cause for GP referral to anticoagulation services.

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Ferritin high


High ferritin levels may suggest a disorder that has led to an excess accumulation of iron, resulting in iron overload.

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Haematology 2WW


Updated information and referral forms for 2WW Haematology

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Haemoglobinopathy Screening


“Opportunistic” haemoglobinopathy screening (not including national antenatal or neonatal screening programmes)

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Hereditary Thrombophilia Screening


It is suggested that General practitioners DO NOT request Thrombophilia screens without review of this guideline AND discussion with haematology.

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A paraprotein can have many causes—some serious but others unlikely ever to cause any problems.