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BCG status of babies and Referral to Maternity or Community TB Services

Arrangements for GP & Health Visiting services to check BCG status of babies and referral to maternity or community TB services if needed

Since 2021 high risk babies now receive the BCG immunisation around 28 days of age rather than at birth

Eligible babies: Parent or grandparent born in a country where the incidence of TB is 40/100,000 or greater

Maternity services are responsible for providing the dose around 28 days of age or up to 1 year of age if the dose is delayed for whatever reason

Health Visitors, Practice Nurses and GPs should continue to check and identify eligible infants’ BCG immunisation status in the early neonatal period

This includes checking immunisation status either at the primary visit or follow up contacts and at the 6-8-week GP developmental assessment. Should you identify an eligible infant (aged 0 – 12 months) who has not received BCG vaccination and does not have a clinic appointment booked, please refer to the appropriate provider using the contact details – see flowchart below

Eligible infants (aged 0-12 months) that have moved in to the West Midlands area or any children aged 12 months – 16 years who are eligible as per the guidance outlined in the Green Book should be referred to the appropriate service using the contact flowchart

Please ensure when assessing eligibility that you refer to the most recent World Health Organisation (WHO) High Incidence Country List

Should you require any advice regarding the BCG vaccine or appropriate referral processes for your area, please contact the Screening and Immunisation team via the West Midlands Immunisation Clinical Advice Service at: england.wmid-imms@nhs.net


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