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POST COVID SYNDROME (Adult) Local services


A guide to management pathways, referral routes and support for Post Covid Syndrome / Long Covid /After Covid

Post-Covid Syndrome Information

See below for:

  • Primary Care rehabilitation pathway
  • Self management advice
  • Diagnostic guidance for Primary Care
  • Link to Primary Care Referral Information
  • National and local resources
  • Leaflet library
Post Covid Pathway UHCW




Referral to UHCW

  • Referral to UHCW is currently only required where Long Covid is the suspected cause of the patient’s symptoms and they demonstrate abnormal blood or Xray results.
  • For patients with no medical concerns where all other causes have been ruled out.
  • Consider carbon monoxide as a cause of symptoms by encouraging the use of domestic CO monitors.
  • Ensure that exacerbations of underlying conditions have been managed optimally, and then please refer to the rehab arm of the pathway via CWPT ISPA or UHCW long covid clinic for patients who live in Rugby.
  • Please identify the patients rehab goals. 

There are several useful links below to guide patients in managing their fatigue symptoms and breathing re-training for breathing pattern disorder.

 Useful links / self management advice:

General Advice: www.yourcovidrecovery.nhs.uk

  • What is COVID-19: Inc impact of intensive care stay
  • Managing the effects: Mind, body, respiratory, cardio, diabetes
  • Wellbeing: Eating, sleeping, being active, grief
  • Road to recovery: Daily activities, returning to work
  • Friends, family and carers: advice on how to support

Plus encourage all patients to connect regularly with supportive family and friends face-to-face or virtually – eg personal whatsapp support group – as suits their situation

Breathing and Pacing: www.physiotherapyforbpd.org.uk

Website for Physiotherapy for Breathing Pattern Disorders where you will find a lot of information on what normal breathing should look like and how to correct it: https://www.physiosforme.com

Website for Physiotherapy advice around ME and CFS with specific advice on pacing and planning for energy conservation which may be relevant to some patients: https://www.rcot.co.uk/how-manage-post-viral-fatigue-after-covid-19-0

Royal College of Occupational Therapy website’s information on pacing and planning: www.blf.org.uk ( the link for the British Lung Foundation which will link you to Asthma UK and give you good advice on Breathlessness, and exercise programmes)

Sleep: https://www.yourcovidrecovery.nhs.uk/your-wellbeing/sleeping-well/
YCR webpage with advice on sleeping better.

Taste and Smell: https://www.yourcovidrecovery.nhs.uk/managing-the-effects/effects-on-your-body/taste-and-smell/  YCR webpage for smell and taste with a link to eating well post-Covid.

Follow this link or click on image below for referral information




Long Covid Support Group

The aim of this group is to provide emotional and wellbeing support and it is not to offer medical advice.

We will be offering room for participants to explore with others the feelings and adjustments necessary for them at this time

Long Covid: Hope Supported Self-management Programmes 2023

Please see attached details of the 8-week support programmes available to Coventry and Warwickshire residents across 2023 – start dates:

  • 19th January
  • 13th April
  • 22nd June
  • 14th September

Click on this link for Warwickshire Long Covid Support Group information

Please find attached the welcome pack which will be given to participants once referred as shares some details about the group.

Advice for Health Professionals on Returning to Work




National Mental Wellbeing Resources

Self Management  Follow links:
Urgent Support Follow links:

Samaritans Coventry: 24 hour freephone tel 116 123 

Samaritans GP Gateway page

Other Mental Health Crisis Phone Lines & Listening Services (www.mind.org.uk)

Compassionate Communities

Details of Coventry and Warwickshire Compassionate Communities offers:

  • Ripple/TAB: Social Communities, support for those experiencing anxiety, isolation, social problems, bereavement etc. Monday afternoon in Coventry and Rugby
  • Bereavement Point: Informal group sessions (not counselling) support for any experience of loss not just a death in Coventry & Warwickshire, for dates/venues: sharon.crofts@uhcw.nhs.uk
  • Compassionate Communities Befrienders: Volunteers can offer support over the phone or in person at a frequency and timing that suits the person being supported. Support can take the form of simple conversation and compassionate listening, or there may be practical actions that would be useful.
  • The above support can be for a patient or family member, recent support provided has included bereaved dads following baby loss isolated at home, young and old whose mental well-being affected by Covid, young people experiencing sense of loss, general bereavement, specific support within BAME community etc:
  • Story Circles: Small group sessions facilitating sharing of stories that enables mutual experience meaning and improved sense of well-being:

National Lifestyle Support

COVID Leaflet Library (English)

Click on images below to download full versions

Eating well after Covid                 Voice problems



IAPT Patient Leaflet                                IAPT GP information 


Covid Leaflet Library (Gujarati)

Eating well after Covid               

Voice problems

Covid Leaflet Library (Urdu)

Eating well after Covid               

Voice problems

Covid Leaflet Library (Romanian)

Eating well after Covid               

Voice problems

Covid Leaflet Library (Farsi)

Eating well after Covid               

Voice problems

Covid Leaflet Library (Hindi)

Eating well after Covid               

Voice problems

Covid Leaflet Library (Punjabi)

Eating well after Covid               

Voice problems

Covid Leaflet Library (Somali)

Eating well after Covid               

Voice problems

Covid Leaflet Library (Bengali)

Eating well after Covid               

Voice problems

National Policy & Guidance

(Visited 6,736 times, 507 visits today)
Coventry Guidance  

Mental Wellbeing

Encourage self-management to supplement professional care
Moderate Cases
  • GP prescription if indicated
  • IAPT: Assessment and access to talking therapies for anxiety, depression and stress.
  • IAPT Self referral available on-line and by phone (see above). Onward referral as appropriate to other agencies. Remote access options. Tel 024 76 671090Website: https://www.covwarkpt.nhs.uk/IAPT
Severe and Urgent
  • GP Referral to CWPT Mental Health Services aligned to Mental Health Access Hubs :Tel: 0300 200 001
  • GP referral to Specialist CWPT MH services
Exercise and Lifestyle Coventry
  • Health Check: For those eligible
  • Post-COVID Exercise Programme: Provided by CVLife. UHCW MDT Clinic will make referrals
  • NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme: see GP Gateway page
  • Delivered by Xyla Health & Wellbeing
  • Non-diabetic hyperglycaemia HbA1c 42-47 mmol/mol- result within last 24 months – referral via GP/Nurse
  • 18-79, year, not pregnant, not currently diabetic currently ‘know your risk score’ of >15 – self-referral 
  • Type 2 Diabetes Structured Education: see GP Gateway page
  • DESMOND (Diabetes Education for Self Management Ongoing and Newly Diagnosed).
  • Referral via GP or Nurse on diagnosis, or self-referral via 0808 169 1225 or crgpa.desmondreferrals@nhs.net
  • Type 1 Diabetes Education: see GP Gateway page
  • ‘Carbs 4 1’ and ‘Carbs AND Insulin’ (CANDI) delivered via DSN teams. Covers insulin dose titration, diet, management of hypoglycaemia and acute changes in plasma glucose – referral via GP/DSN.
  • On-line support: https://mytype1diabetes.nhs.uk/
  • Healthy Lifestyles Coventry: Support with weight, healthy diet, giving up smoking, getting more active, cutting down on alcohol and general wellbeing. Freephone 0800 122 3790 or https://hlscoventry.org/
  • Moving More in Coventry: Information on walking local leisure facilities and activities
  • Best You: Website provides free online personalised health and wellbeing recommendations regarding healthy eating, healthy weight, and physical activity 
Rugby & South Warwickshire Guidance  

Mental Wellbeing

Encourage self-management to supplement professional care
Moderate Cases
  • GP prescription if indicated
  • IAPT: Assessment and access to talking therapies for anxiety, depression and stress.
  • IAPT Self referral available on-line and by phone (see above). Onward referral as appropriate to other agencies. Remote access options. Tel 024 76 67109Website: https://www.covwarkpt.nhs.uk/IAPT
Severe and Urgent
  • Warwickshire Safe Haven: Out of Hours Mental Health Crisis Support to anyone aged 16+ across. Available 6pm-11pm every evening.     Tel: 02477 714 554, text: 07970 042270 Email: safehaven@cwmind.org.uk or attend in person (call in advance)
  • GP Referral to CWPT Mental Health Services Tel: 0300 200 0011  https://www.covwarkpt.nhs.uk/urgent-advice

    GP referral to Specialist CWPT MH services

Exercise & Lifestyle Rugby
  • Physical Activity on Referral:

Free 12 weeks course required professional referral

Details: https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/fitterfuturesphysicalact
Referral form: https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/fitterfuturesreferral

  • Pulmonary Maintenance:

UHCW Assessment Clinic will refer into specific FitterFutures course

Health Check: For those eligible

NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme: see GP Gateway page

Now delivered by Xyla Health & Wellbeing
Non-diabetic hyperglycaemia HbA1c 42-47 mmol/mol- result within last 24 months – referral via GP/Nurse

18-79, year, not pregnant, not currently diabetic currently ‘know your risk score’ of >15 – self-referral See GP Gateway page – Diabetes Prevention Programme

DESMOND (Diabetes Education for Self Management Ongoing and Newly Diagnosed).

Referral via GP or Nurse on diagnosis, or self-referral via 0808 169 1225 or crgpa.desmondreferrals@nhs.net

‘Carbs 4 1’ and ‘Carbs AND Insulin’ (CANDI) delivered via DSN teams. Covers insulin dose titration, diet, management of hypoglycaemia and acute changes in plasma glucose – referral via GP/DSN.

On-line support: https://mytype1diabetes.nhs.uk/

  • Best You: Website provides free online personalised health and wellbeing recommendations regarding healthy eating, healthy weight, and physical activity

  • GetSetGo:

Physical activities specifically to help manage/improve severe mental health issues

Access to taster sessions: 01789 298615 Email jessica.thawley@springfieldmind.org.uk

  • Weight Management on Referral:

Free 12 weeks course required professional referral Details: Fitter Futures Warwickshire
Referral form:  Fitter Futures Referral Form

  • Stop Smoking:

Telephone and online support via various providers: Quit 4 Good Warwickshire


North Warwickshire Guidance  

Update September 2024

George Eliot’s Long Covid Service will no longer require all patients to have a chest X ray prior to referral

A chest X ray still be required for those patients with shortness of breath or other respiratory symptoms

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