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Behaviour Problems in Nursing Homes (CHESS Scheme only)


Elderly Mentally Infirm (EMI) support system for CHESS Scheme for Nursing Homes

GP requires help & advice with mental health related behavioural problems


GP to ring GP advice line number 024 7693 4240  and provide details of the case to the medical secretary taking the phone call.

Email referral form to GPsupport@nhs.net using an NHS.net address only (GPs MUST send emails using an NHS.net addresses as well to comply with information governance/confidentiality  requirements)

On receipt of the relevant information medical secretary will contact the designated consultant Psychiatrist to call the GP within one working day.

If the GPs feel they need more urgent response they will consider referring to CRHT

It is expected that 4-5 calls per week will be manageable at this stage but will be reviewed if demand increases

After talking to the GP, Consultant Psychiatrist will complete the GP advice line response form and forward to medical secretary who will the email it to the GP using their NHS.net email address

Occasionally the patient may require a joint visit by the GP and the consultant to review and agree a care plan

If agreed that specific input from the Community Team is required, the consultant will contact IPU Team Manager for support to be provided within 7-10 days

It is expected that as monitoring and prescribing of anti-dementia medication is gradually transferred to Primary Care response times will be shorter

Specialist services will support Primary Care with the transfer of monitoring and prescribing of anti-dementia drugs


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